Blooming Lotus Forum
Social Contract


Our purpose is to create and foster Communities of Practice and Communities of Commitment to work creatively, productively, cooperatively and synergistically toward the express common goals of the participants of the Orenda Project.

By agreeing to participate in the conferences in this community, we commit, pledge and agree to engage in a civil and respectful dialogue toward achieving our common goals. Sharing in communities, people and organizations can be mutually supportive and enjoy rewards from the exchange of ideas, experiences, and feelings. By sharing across communities, people and organizations can also reap benefits. For instance, lots of people and organizations have begun to use new technologies to their benefit. Sharing information about the uses of technology, in a mutually supportive atmosphere, across communities, can benefit everyone. There are many areas in which sharing can provide benefit. Hopefully, access to this conferencing will help promote sharing in arts, literature, crafts, events and activities, education, social services, environmental issues, civic issues, and many other areas of interest.

General Project Goals

General Interpersonal and Social Goals

The organizers and hosts of the Blooming Lotus Forum subscribe to the general principles outlined in this exemplary guideline on Roles and Responsibilities of Conference Facilitators.

Terms of Engagement

Participants of the Blooming Lotus Forum conferences agree not to post any unlawful, harassing, libelous, privacy invading, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene or otherwise objectionable material. Participants agree not to transmit any material that violates the rights of another, including but not limited to the intellectual property rights of another.

Conflict Resolution Processes

Conflict in community forums is normal and healthy. We seek to work through conflicts as they arise in a civil, courteous, and constructive manner, mindful of the rights of all participants to a fair hearing, to equal protection, and to uniform treatment. To this end we agree to employ and support best practices in the art of conflict resolution.

The best practices for conflict resolution include recommended internal conflict resolution procedures which we agree to honor and respect. Additional external conflict resolution resources may be employed if internal processes fail. The conflict resolution process should be used when the terms of this Social Contract are thought to have been breached by any participant.

Custom Social Contracts

Individual Conferences may adopt modifications of this agreement to incorporate more specific terms of engagement consistent with the purpose and nature of their individual sub-communities.

Some Conferences may also wish to adopt a Community Covenant such as the the one used at the Community Intelligence Labs.

Glossary of Terms

Community Covenants and Social Contracts are agreements among the members and participants of a community which establish the community and cultural norms of social and collegial interaction.

Communities of Practice and Communities of Commitment are terms introduced by Etienne Wenger and George Pór who are with the Community Intelligence Labs.

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